Accounts of Village Organisations 1891

  • Press article about the Wheatley and Holton Horticultural show in 1893
  • Press article about the Wheatley and Holton Horticultural show in 1900
Archive Notes:

Wheatley Village accounts in 1891 sumnmarised as below. Fuller details can be seen in WVA only.

Wheatley National Schools

The Education Dept. made a grant of some £149, Bishop Moss’s charity gave £45, Curzon Charity £10, voluntary subscriptions and other provided the balance of £105. Outgoings were £220 to teachers and monitors, £18 for books, £38 for building repairs and £18 for fuel, light and cleaning.

Provident Clubs

84 members gave some £70 paid to trades people. So, a sort of food bank.

Mothers’ Meetings

£12 in and out

Choir Fund

Some £10 subs met the cost of an outing for the choir.

Offertory account

This met the needs of the sick and needy, about £10

Churchwarden’s account

About £35 met payments for the clerk, cleaning, mowing churchyard, lighting and heating in the church and other items.

Missionary Accounts

Income of some £10 met the cost of ‘Home Missions’

Town Meadow Charity

Rent from Thomas Robbins of £21 went to the ‘Poor of Wheatley’.

The Sims Charity

This gave £18 for the repair and upholding of the Church

The Old Churchyard

Donations of some £14 met the upkeep of this

Wheatley and Holton Horticultural Society

Subscriptions of some £14 (probably 100+ members) were spent on prizes

Children’s free dinners at the Merry Bells

1084 free dinners at a cost of some £7 were met from donations.

School library

70 volumes. Members pay 1d. per month

Penny Bank

Not sure of its purpose, but 85 members most with a Post Office account


There were 2 or 3 others involved in relatively small sums of money.

Archive Number: